'On seeing you latest blog board, it brought back good memories. My first new board that I bought in October of '73' Was a board from the spot in Bude for £29.50. I remember well the drive up to Bude, in my mini, it took an age! as it was rainy and misty. On getting there I was taken round to the factory store to look at the boards that were for sale. I remember Nigel my mate and I going to the shop first and the owner whose name escapes me jumping into his min van, he was 6ft 4'' as I am, so anybody seeing the pair of us getting into these two small cars must have been creased up with laughter. Then we hammered off from the shop to the store. It was a 6'7'' clear board with a green glassed in fin that I chose from many boards there. If you have my book? I think you told me you had? there is a shot of it on my mini at the back of the book.
My first board was a 8'6'' Bilbo which I got in 69/70, that seemed to nose dive however you took off (it was like an ironing board). The 6'7'' Spot board was a revelation! My first surf was at North Sands in a howling offshore surf, that made takeoffs late and instead of nose diving I got to bottom turn on my first wave and promptly fell off with the surprise! that I had not submarined the bottom turn.'
My first board was a 8'6'' Bilbo which I got in 69/70, that seemed to nose dive however you took off (it was like an ironing board). The 6'7'' Spot board was a revelation! My first surf was at North Sands in a howling offshore surf, that made takeoffs late and instead of nose diving I got to bottom turn on my first wave and promptly fell off with the surprise! that I had not submarined the bottom turn.'
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