Time for a surf meet update and here's a taster -above and below- of some of the boards which will be up for sale or swaps on sunday morning. The weather forecast's looking good so far, and there's a good number of collectors coming including full attendance from the Braunton crew - Skelly, Jay and Pete. So there's going to be some stunning and historically important British boards on show. It doesn't have to be 100% British though, I'm bringing a couple of Aussie boards. If you're bringing boards along its probably a good idea to get there before 9.30 to set up.

Skelly has put in the request that he's after clean Bilbo longboards, so if you've got one to sell or swap bring it along. He's got a choice of three beautiful Creamed Honeys up for swaps, two by Kevin Cross and a Dick Harvey.

Kevin Cross with stinger. nice bottom. Photo by Graham Quick.
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