poster above available for £10 incl. p&p ! see below
A bit more on the upcoming meet-
This could be the UK's largest get together of vintage surfboards from private collections, with an estimated 100 + boards expected. They will map the evolution of surfing in Britain, from the wooden bellyboards of the 30s, 40s and 50s to the first fibreglass longboards of the 60s. Then the transition to experimental 6ft singlefins and twin fins at the end of the 60s. Then through the artful tints and logos of the 70s and into another time of change, the 80s , which heralded neon twin fins to quads to thrusters and more.
There will be notable boards by legendary UK surfer/ shapers Rod Sumpter, Chris Jones, John Conway, Nigel Semmens,Tigger Newling , Roger Cooper, Tris Cokes, Chops Lascalles, Steve Harewood, Tim Heyland and many more.
A rare chance to see beautiful boards which are usually tucked away out of view in private collections. The museum of British surfing also plans to bring some of their favourite boards.
The boards will be predominantly collectors favourites for show, although there will also be vintage boards for sale or swap. Where better to start a collection than here where you can weigh up the board and chat to its owner . Or if you have a vintage board (pre 1990)you'd like to sell ,bring it along, plonk it down and wait for the offers.
Lusty Glaze in Newquay are kindly providing the area for the event, which is a free event except for a small charge for parking. The nearby facilities including a cafe on site and bar/ cafe / restaurant by the beach will be open. There are also award winning toilets - should be worth a visit .
Hopefully some of the 60s/ 70s legends will turn up to see how their boards have fared - who knows.
A very limited run has been made of the lovely poster by Nick Radford aka frootful.
Its A3 size and on heavyweight 300gsm paper, see on the board above. Available for only £10 including p&p ! (to mainland UK). If there are any left they will be for sale on the day too. Contact me at for a copy.
One last thing - this is an outdoor event and if mother nature intervenes with gales or full on rain we may have to cancel. If so I will post a cancelation on the blog the day before. Fingers crossed.

Newquay holiday apartments can be a good place to stay while enjoying surfing.