Back in the 80s if your board didn't glow in the dark it just wasn't cool. The heyday of day glo stretched from the mid 80s to the early 90s, and must have made the beaches and line ups a lot brighter than they are today. Bright yellow and pink found their place on boards, wetsuits- and as you can see above even my mountain bike which I bought it 1991 and is still loud and proud. When I ride it the local kids stare at it no doubt thinking what the hell is that ?!

To find 80s boards which still have strong colour is quite rare as the spray jobs mellow with time and uv damage. But here's a couple of classics - a 6'2 town and country pro series thruster from '87 ish ? and a slightly earlier Hot Buttered by ratso Buchanan, twin fin set up with a nice multifin wing fin in there at the moment. This board was possibly made at the Ocean Magic factory.
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