Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Lusty Glaze surf meet June 2018

A great turnout on Sunday, not dismayed by the drizzly weather. Nice to see old and new faces, and the boards as ever were stunning. The Newquay surf meet seems to be growing steadily year on year so long may it continue ! Comments people have left about it were that the vibe was relaxed and very friendly, the variety of boards surprisingly large, and some great deals done and new boards bought. Thanks to Lusty Glaze for hosting us again this year. Next surf meet will be at the Museum of British Surfing, Braunton in September. Thanks to Alex Williams for most of the photos.

 Tigger Newling Asterix board, below en route to World Titles, Bells Beach 1970 , Tig and Graham Nile

 Alex's boards
 Toby's collection
 Back to the 80s with Simon Tucker
 Marcus and Graham
 Pete with Quo Vadis and Bolt
The French visitors over for the surf meet and Pete
 New board !
 Tigger Newling Asterix
 Mark Richards shaped for Ted Deerhurst
 Bilbo came home for a day
 Tigger Newling bonzer
 Reno bolt
 Lots of soggy mags were on sale

 Boards as far as the eye can see
 Kevin Cross boards

 Bilbo bellyboard
 MR and Simon Anderson, and Gee
 Tris spoon, its first visit to the meet
 Charlie and Jennie, in the arty corner
 Tris artwork boards
 Rod Sumpter model Kneetrembler
 Very clean vit sea

 Simon and Cheyne /McCoy collection
Alex and a few of his boards


  1. Great day, got some lovely new boards! It was great to see the French collectors. Lots of new people and new boards was great! Thanks Al!

  2. Hi I have an old Colin Wilson Design, Maui and Sons, British surfing association surfboard which I have owned for the last 25years. Just wondering if there would be any interest in it?

  3. Hi guys ,I used to hang out with Triss in the 6o's / 70's in Aggie .I now in AlGarve Portugal .Charlie Reynolds .

  4. Hi I’m sitting here with gordo now having a beer he is my best friend and I don’t relise how good he his he’s made me a few boards only shaping for mate now
