Monday, 28 September 2015

Museum of British Surfing surf meet

 Great weekend at the museum of British Surfing . Thanks to Ryan Maddocks for organising the film night on saturday. The Surf meet and auction on sunday was busy and had a great friendly vibe. Thanks to Maggie Gladwell, Tony and Pat Cope, Kevin Cook and all the other volunteers for making such a big contribution to the day . The boards as ever were fantastic.
 Rare wave graffiti paipo
 Auctioneers for the day Tony and Kevin
 Rare Tiki v bottom

 Stunning space man spray on one of Henry's boards
 The fantastic and hard working tea ladies.
 Ryan ,Matt and Martin
 Martin's longboarder sculpture which sold within minutes

 In the auction room. There were 21 lots with some good sales, although sales suffered because of high reserves.

 Busy day at the museum, lovely boards everywhere
 Rare and quirky Tris bellyboad caught everyones eye
 70s pinball in the museum

 Some of Shaun's ever growing collection of airbrushed boards including an incredible Space Gypsy restoration by Stuart Dykes, see above and below -


  1. Great photos Al! It was a great day, there was some beautiful unseen boards and nice to meet new collectors!

  2. yes all good and well worth the journey !

  3. Not so sure about the high reserve point on the unsold auction boards (although I'm sure there's an element of truth). I think in the last year or so the community has become somewhat unrealistic on valuing the better, rarer and quality boards which are out there. It seems everyone digs their heals in if there's a whisper of anything over £200 being asked. This is crazy when you consider the huge amounts most 'surfers' spend on their daily ride(s). The Tris which came up last week was a cracker and attained good money, as it should have. So, back to the auction - the Bilbo I had in was set with a £300 reserve which I lowered to £250 on the day and it still only got to £200! It's Moony shaped and mint original so it was never going to be sold for £200. Time will tell as its on eBay and ultimately the market will decide current value. But it does worry me when everyone seems to want everything but for nothing.
    Rant over.........

  4. i think bigger prices will be had on ebay, there were limited bidders in the room on sunday, and only one or two boards were really battled over.

  5. Prices : 1) Bill ( Sartorial ) put his whole collection on eBay a couple of months ago , supply / demand economics dictate that prices will drop. 2) The top price at the auction was paid by a Woolacombe hotel owner who wanted a pristine board to go on display there, ie., he`s not a collector, so not influenced by collector`s opinions. 3) This was the 1st GB auction, Aus & USA auctions took a couple of years to take off & fly, ours will too. 4) There was an element of fear in the room when ours started, " am I looking silly by bidding £? for this, are the experts laughing at me ? ". It`ll be a few years probably before guys relax & follow their own instincts

  6. All true and my comments are no reflection on the auction itself, far from it. It's the buyers with unrealistic budgets but big eyes/dreams that concern me. Quality should always stand out and in turn should be recognised by the price the buyer has to pay.
    On the issue of comparing the UK auction to an OZ or US equivalent - I don't think you can, at least not in OZ where surf culture is ingrained in everyday life and has been for generations. This means that even the average joe in the street has a basic level of understanding of both surfing, it's history and its key exponents who are often household names. You'll never have that in the UK so the whole process is different and much more low key.

  7. Agreed, buyers here expecting near-perfect vintage boards to sell for 1/2 a new board price are mad. And there are no boards here associated with contest wins or superstar surfers, so prices will never be sky high. However the auction is worth doing again next year, it was interesting & fun

  8. it will be more interesting and more fun next year if there are good boards with affordable reserves - and ebay isnt awash with other old boards for sale. The collectors market is growing here, but still very low key compared to oz and US. Most old boards here are still bargains !

  9. It sounds like time is needed for these auctions to really take off in the UK. But if they're going strong in America and Aus then perhaps we can hope for big things in the future! Perhaps making sure there is a good range of reserves in the auction room will help to build up interest..

  10. Can you give more info on Shaun's' airbrushed collection please. Is that a Tris Bonzer?
