Monday, 28 September 2015

Museum of British Surfing surf meet

 Great weekend at the museum of British Surfing . Thanks to Ryan Maddocks for organising the film night on saturday. The Surf meet and auction on sunday was busy and had a great friendly vibe. Thanks to Maggie Gladwell, Tony and Pat Cope, Kevin Cook and all the other volunteers for making such a big contribution to the day . The boards as ever were fantastic.
 Rare wave graffiti paipo
 Auctioneers for the day Tony and Kevin
 Rare Tiki v bottom

 Stunning space man spray on one of Henry's boards
 The fantastic and hard working tea ladies.
 Ryan ,Matt and Martin
 Martin's longboarder sculpture which sold within minutes

 In the auction room. There were 21 lots with some good sales, although sales suffered because of high reserves.

 Busy day at the museum, lovely boards everywhere
 Rare and quirky Tris bellyboad caught everyones eye
 70s pinball in the museum

 Some of Shaun's ever growing collection of airbrushed boards including an incredible Space Gypsy restoration by Stuart Dykes, see above and below -

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Surfboard auction catalogue

Here is a link to the catalogue for this sunday's board auction -

Tuesday, 8 September 2015