Tuesday, 9 July 2013

British shapes in France

Stephane went along to a big 2nd hand board sale organised by the Surfrider Foundation of Europe, and found these classics, an Excalibur by Ted Deerhurst, and a Roger Cooper, both early mid 80s thrusters. The Deerhurst looks to have been made in Hawaii, shaped by Ted and glassed by John Orlando .It has a hot stuff decal but I'm not sure if this is the same as the Aussie Hot Stuffs. Both boards look to have been restored and in good condition. If the sale was in the UK Im sure the Excalibur would have been sold fast, such is the respect for Lord Ted and his legacy.

1978 ad from Surf magazine

Another interesting board, this time on French ebay, a Super Frog shaped by Danny Garland. This is pretty unusual and I wasnt aware of Danny shaping much in France - or possibly he made them in the UK and shipped them over  . He liked travelling so theres no reason why there arent Garland's in quite a few countries - he made boards in the US for a while . The board looks mid to late 70s, a similar time to his Space Gypsy's. White pigment on the deck with leash loop and a very colourful spray on the underside.
Stephane says ''Super Frog still exists. It was created in the 70s (1973) by Gerard Dabbadie ,now famous - he designed the first Bic and now still works for Bic. Dabbadie was also a very good French surfer :1975 European champion (I think it was difficult to defeat English surfers during this period). How has he met Danny Garland ?''

European measurements on the board.
Thanks to Stephane - http://vintagesurffrance.blogspot.co.uk/


  1. (I think it was difficult to defeat English surfers during this period)... and I think you'll find a Welsh man (PJ) won Eurosurf '77 (and practically everything else) ;-)

  2. Still looking for a Roger Cooper Hawaiian Style, seen a couple of rough one's but the superb RC above would have been about the same era

  3. Havent seen a really clean one, will let you know if I do. I know you like the logo ! Al
