Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Phil Jay singlefin

A nice early 70s diamond tail singlefin by Phil 'Jay' Jenkins. This is longer and thinner than the other two Jay's I have had - they both had very wide diamond tails and pronounced rocker. This is quite different with a flatter nose, around 7'3 x 19 1/2 , still lots of volume but more gunny. The fin is beautiful and bulbous at the same time , with a middle layer of purple fibreglass sandwiched by dark ply , and it is as thick as my finger. The leash plug isnt original. On the underside is what looks like a nice cloth inlay; on a closer look amazingly enough its hand sprayed using a stencil, and looks pretty cool and unusual.
Phil Jay shaped boards both at a factory in north Devon, and in an old stable block near Barnes Bridge in London - which made him London's only surfboard shaper. He sold boards to well heeled swinging Londoners from his shop in Wandsworth. This was at the end of the 60s and into the early 70s .He also shaped earlier Kaiki boards in London.

 The man himself Phil Jay has a blast from the past at last Septembers Surf Meet
Ad from 1973