Tuesday, 11 September 2012

The purple hippocamp

 Here's an unusual board sent in by Paul which turned up in Braunton a few weeks ago. It looks to be home grown and as Paul says probably not the only thing they were home growing. The purple hippocamp sounds like gibberish to me but its actually a mythical creature who lives far beneath the oceans, half  full grown horse, half fish - apparently. The nearest thing to them is the seahorse, which is real and thankfully a lot less freaky looking.
The board is made by Emjay, with hand drawn logo and lettering and lovely artwork. Probably from the late 60s, it has a v bottom towards the tail and the fin is a quite long way up. Its 8 ft x 22 x 3. Just goes to show you never know whats going to turn up next !

    This is what a hippocampus would look like if you met one


  1. if you are fortunate enough to meet one climb on board, and it will enable you to breath under water.

  2. wow didnt know that, will keep a look out
