Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Ocean Magic by Pete McAllum

Sweet little twin fin, around 6 ft shaped by Moony McAllum for Ocean Magic. It was shaped around 1981 and spray wise still has the stylish flow of the 70s with classic fade and pinlining. In a couple of years radical, bright and angular sprays would be the fashion. Most of these twin fins were made by Nigel Semmens but here's one from the boss, who taught Nigel a lot about shaping and helped set him on course for a lifelong career at Ocean Magic. This board clearly has influences from the Mark Richards twin fins. Actually when the first MR twins came over here the local shapers were all over them taking templates.
As we've mentined before on the blog, Moony came over from NZ in 1967, set up in St Ives making Stuart and Nomad surfboards , worked at Atlantic for a short time ; then in '69 he went over to Newquay to work for Bilbo , and went it alone again with Ocean Magic in '72/3 though to the early 80s when he sold out to Nigel. Moony also helped John Conway organise the UK's first pro contest the Gul Alder pro am (1981).

Moony with Drifta at the '81 Gul Alder. Photo Alex Williams

Ocean Magic trade stand, early -mid 80s London Boat Show. Cool twins and 2 1/2s with some Semmens windsurfers !

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