Sunday, 4 September 2011

proning worlds

Had a cool visit to the World bellyboard championships at Chapelporth. Classic suits and classic boards were all around, and the solid turnout (around 340 competitors !)braved the changeable weather and surf conditions to show that on bellyboards at least Britannia can rule the waves. Lots of new bellyboards were on show from Gavin at Traditional surfng co, and also from Seed, Otter and Original surfboard company; plus vintage relics from Pete at the Museum. Plus proper job commentary from Chris Ryan. Was sorry to have missed the later heats and finals but had to get the baby to bed - just before the rain started too.

Seed surfboards

A lot of competitors

Board logos from the Museum of British Surfing's collection.

This guy had a classic all in one with 'bumflap'

Ladies expression session

2nd half of the mens expression session

John, dapper as ever

1920s bellyboard belonging to one of the Jersey pioneers Archie Mayne, on loan to the Museum.


  1. Great pics, Alastair! I'm about to blog my pics today; would it be possible for me to take two or three of yours and put them on my blog (With suitable credit of course)? Reason being I can see me in there! :-)

  2. go for it Sue .Hope you had a good day

  3. Cheers, Al!
    I had a fantastic time. Shame about the rain but I was so lucky to get my heats before it started. I got some great (if somewhat hairy!) rides. My only disappointment was I'd hoped to do some sketching after my heats, but the rain got everywhere and soaked my paper. I took a few quick photos tho' and will probably work up some drawings from them.
