Monday, 27 June 2011

yesterday's meet

Yesterday's surf meet exceeded expectations in many ways. The weather was amazing, there was offshore surf down below, sixteen collectors came along to show their treasures, plus others who walked in with a board or two under their arm, many of which hadn't been surfed since the 70s. There was also a great turnout of people visiting the meet, with a good crew of surfers who started in the 60s and 70s, including four British champions no less. Rod Sumpter remarked what a surprisingly good turnout there was, and also how nice it was to be reunited with boards he shaped 45 years ago ! All the boards looked stunning so thanks to the collectors for making the effort.

Chris popped along and set out his bargain surf stall which included an original 60s Bilbo t-shirt
for £5, vintage fins for £2 and the incredible 'drag - chute' for £10. Dan was there with copies of the new Kook newspaper - get em while they're hot, and a few classic cars topped off the vintage vibe. There were loads of great stories about the old days, with promises of photos and info for the blog. As I was packing up an old gentleman wandered up with a photo of himself in 1957 with a hollow board he made, which turned out to be very similar to Alex's coffin board, which was at the meet for the old guy to look at.Another guy brought along a beautiful kevin Cross stinger with 70s wax still on it,which he didn't know what to do with but in the end decided to keep it. The only bad things I came away with were a sunburnt nose and Skelly's greasy fingerprints all over my hot buttered twin fin.

There will hopefully be a piece in Wavelength about the meet, and a short film by Wavedreamer - look out for those. Thanks to Gavin who sorted out the press release - and did a beautiful hand screened version of Nick's poster . Also thanks to Nick for the classic poster ,Sean for spreading the word in Newquay,Si for chauffering my boards and Dave at Lusty Glaze for letting us use the stunning site. I'm looking forward to next year !

The long distance award goes to Henry who left Kent at 3 am, got to Newquay,had a surf, went to the meet, had a surf and went home again !

I think everyone scored good waves after too. I had a lovely one on a Stuart of St Ives 1968 8 footer which I just bought and hadn't been surfed since the mid 90s.

Pete has done a nice review of the meet on the museum's facebook page here

some of the 60s /70s Newquay crew with a few collectors . photo Alex Williams.

view from the meet - a scorcher

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