Friday, 8 October 2010

Hendy & Harber

I was visiting my mate Nick the other day , his office is above a surf shop and in the corridor is a rack with boards for repair etc. They were mostly newish shortboards but there were two old boards. This Hendy and Harber was at the back of the rack and I almost didn't pull it out it looked so beaten up. But I'm glad I did - they must be one of the rarest British boards around - or one of the most scarce, and the only others I've seen are in the Gul collection. This one belongs to the shop owner and still has the original old wax on. Although the logo says Newquay they were made in land-locked Roche, on the way to St Austell in the late 60s/early 70s and were nicely made boards at the time. For any more details we'll have to ask Graham - he had one from new. The fin and box look like they could be by Bilbo. Thanks to Nick for the photos. Graham has recently bumped into Rob Hendy and asked him about Hendy and Harber -it seems production of Hendy & Harber boards began in 1969 and ceased in 1972, during which time Rob estimates they turned out about 200 boards.
These were sold at various outlets: a shop in Hayle, Mick Jackman's "Maui" shop by the old Blue Lagoon (next to Great Western), John Conway's shop in Fore Street, but mostly by word of mouth. A guy called "Buttercup" (I didn't like to ask!) did quite a bit of shaping as did Rob, another guy called John Bell did sanding, plus there were guest shapers invited for short periods. I was correct in my memory of Gary Harber being on the financial side with no other input. The premises were upstairs of the grocery shop owned by Gary's Dad.
Can you imagine that in these days of Health and Safety?
Actually, the whole premises were demolished some years ago. Should've had a blue plaque!
Rob doesn't have any H&H boards, but thinks Andy Pickles of the Bowgie pub at Crantock may have two (best of luck getting to see them!), plus Gul have two currently on loan to Fistral Blu.
Thanks to roving reporter Graham, who had an H&H himself in the early 70s.


  1. Is that fin removeable?

  2. it was removable once upon a time - not so sure now !

  3. Rob 'Muscles' Hendy made me a 5'8" board in '69.
    Some mongrel stole it!
    'Buttercup' was an Aussie lifeguard who worked Fistral Beach. I am led to believe he passed away some years ago from melanoma, as did Stewie 'Twizzle' Entwistle from Manly, N.S.W.

    Mick Jackman returned to Australia and continued playing vibes woth 'Galapagos Duck' for quite some time.

    Jim Davies;

    Cairns, Queensland

  4. Ohh, and the fin was removable and adjustable, too. One screw held it in place. Very efficient system. The one in the pic looks as though it's been glassed in place. I'll see if I can find a pic of my old board!


  5. Wow..I bought a Hendy & Harber board in 1969..still got one photo of it. It was a 7'6" which was small compared to the 10' I learned on. What memories.

  6. Just bought a board near newquay that says shaped and glassed my rob hendy. It is a blue hawaii surf board. I wander if it is the same rob.
