Sunday, 16 August 2009

Silver Wings single fin by Kevin Cross ( Creamed Honey )

Rare Silver Wings single fin shaped by Kevin Cross. Cross was an Australian lifeguard who took up residence in Cornwall in the late 60s and later moved up to North Devon to shape boards under his iconic Creamed Honey label ,some of the most sought after vintage boards in Britain today.

I can't find anything about Silver Wings boards ; since the logo says Watergate Bay I'm guessing he made this before starting up Creamed Honey ; the board is numbered 80 or 08 so it was made close to the start of his shaping career. Anyone else know anything about Silver Wings ?

This board has had a strange life preserved under four layers of spray paint put on in the 80s by the designs to make the board look a bit more up to date. My friend Geordie Al spotted the boards potential and we spent an afternoon with a sander doing surfboard archaeology and ended up uncovering this little beauty. The dimensions are 7'2 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/4 , with a small stinger and swallow tail, dating to around '69 or '70 . It has a great deep red tint with an orange pinline , and surfs really well in overhead waves.


  1. Hi
    I've a Kevin Cross board that I'm keen to find out more about.
    I've owned it for about 15 years now, but surfed it little.
    It's 7'3 swallowtail, with the logo "kevin cross surfboards, croyde north devon"

    i looks similar in shape to the one you have, but without the stinger and with a wider tail, virtually no rocker. It's a beautiful green base and rails with a graduated orange deck.

    Not sure how to attach pictures here but if you could put an email address up here I can send some.



  2. hi chris sounds like a great board I'd love a few shots, send them to . Theres a very similar board on ebay, is that yours ?cheers Al

  3. It is actually mine on ebay. I was putting my other (non-vintage) board on, and decided to list the kevin cross one too. Hopefully (and i'm sure it will) it will go to someone who appreciates it, as it deserves better than to sit in my loft for another 15 years!. if you know anything further about when it was likely to have been made I'd still love to find out. If you want any more photos in addition to those on ebay let me know and i'll send them.

  4. hi Chris, there is a kevin cross board in the Gul collection with the same logo and they say it predates his Creamed Honey label so it must be early 70s. The photos will be fine, good luck on the auction, I doubt I'll afford it but I'm sure it will go to a good home, cheers Al
