Sunday, 9 October 2016

Sptember surf meet at Museum of British Surfing

 It was another successful surf meet at MOBS on the 25 september. Perfect weather and lots of people turned up with a stunning array of boards, and the museum was open to look round too. There was a film night the night before which went down very well, with Alex Williams narrating some recently unearthed 1970s surf films by Bez Newton !
Above are some early Cheyne Horan UK models from the early 80s, including no.4 in the middle and no.2 on the right , all shaped in Newquay by Chris Jones (for Vitamin Sea).
 Andy Schollick of Second Skin wetsuits
 Lots of Tikis were on show.
 Shaun's art gallery of 1970s Tris, Space Gypsy, Circle One and Tigger Newling.

 Early Bickers fin
 Lovely Bilbos
Car boot sale

 Simon Tucker exVit Sea teamrider and Clive Rodell ex Tiki team.
 Dave Aldridge-Smith with a Tiki board he shaped back in 1970
 Gee made an appearance

 Surf meet booty , it can be random sometimes
 Trustee Kevin Cook with Bez Newton film reels
 Pete with some unique UK fibreglassed prone boards
 Lots of Tris fins
 Simon Tucker reunited with a Vit Sea MR he did the airbrush for and then rode to a national title.
Space Gypsy
 Stuart reunited with a board he made on his kitchen table as a teenager !

Big old swallowtail on a Tiki fish, and below Charlie in Tikiland.

 Matt Barrow reunited with a Ted Deerhurst bolt made for him in the early 80s.
 A Tiki from an old advert ? Tim Heyland ponders
 Certainly looks very similar..
 Rare soundtrack lp for Hal Jepson's A Sea For Yourself, a great lp saved from the bin and brought along for sale.
 Simon , Kevin and Maggie

Thanks to everyone whose photos I have used ! And special thanks to Alex Williams who always takes so many great shots of the meets' people and boards.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Gwyn Haslock , a lovely lady . She's had more surfs than most of us have had hot dinners.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Surf meet at Lusty Glaze

This year's 'family photo ' . Great turn out again guys well done considering it rained most of the day ! Still had a great time though. Thanks to the generosity of Lusty Glaze for hosting us for another year !
 Alex's boards , thanks to Alex for most of these photos
 John and Stuart's vintage racers fresh from Pendine sands last week

 Simon and Henry, both regulars to the meet from opposite ends of England
 Dick Harvey Creamed Honey
 Thanks to Nick Radford again for the design.
 Joe and his boards. Good to see some new faces this year.

 Johnny Manetta of Tris surf shop
 Dave and Stuart

 With Charlie in Tikiland

Joe and his favourite Tiki
Registration stickers on a Klemm Bell v bottom

Here's a few more pics taken by Stephane and Dennis from France