Sunday, 21 June 2015

Another great Surf Meet

 Yesterday's surf meet did not disappoint, with over 20 collectors bringing their pride and joy along. Thanks to you all for bringing so many beautiful boards and some cool cars too. These photos are by Alex Williams, thanks to him . Thanks also to Nick and Gavin for doing the posters and t's , and Lusty Glaze for hosting us !
 The French boys

 Stuart with some work to do !

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Not long till the surf meet !

 Not long now till the surf meet. Its on ! Weather looks fine, a bit of swell is running, so bring your old rides .Favourite boards, weirdest boards, oldest boards, even least favourite boards to sell . As long as its old, bring it down !

Surf meet t's are printed up and looking lovely.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Graham Nile singlefins

 Here are a beautiful pair of Graham Nile singlefins from around 1973-75 . The swallow tail is 6'7 x 20 , and the pintail is 6'11 x 19 1/2. Graham was a good surfer and member of the British team, and he ran a surf shop and a bakery in St Austell, Cornwall. His boards are quite rare to find today, and were always of nice quality and good shape. It looks like both these boards were shaped by the same hand as the rail shapes are very similar, with volume far out to the rail . I already know the pintail was shaped by John Hall for Steve Daniel, so the other board could well be by John too. John also shaped for his own label and Tiki.

 Nile swallowtail with similar black fin
ad from 1973

Vintage surf exhibition in South Devon

Just up is this exhibition of UK surf history and boards from the awesome collection of Alex Williams. Well worth a visit, its an almost religious experience ! Kingsbridge church hall , 6th-14th June !