Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Tiki twin fin

Ad from Surf Scene 1984.

From Surf Scene 1982

I also spotted this nice Tiki on the 'bay, from around 1982 I'd guess and in nice condition, 5'9 x 20 3/4 x 2 3/4. You want it ? Go get it

Ocean Magic single fin by Nigel Semmens

Stephane sends us these shots of his immaculate Ocean Magic circa 1980 single fin by Nigel Semmens. I'd imagine singles were quite rare by this stage as most boards would be twinnies. Ocean Magics are always good to see, especially by Nigel, British champ in '79 and European champ in '81, the most successful surfer in the country at the time he shaped this.

Stephane also has a couple of blogs with his boards on, highlights include two early Maurice Coles, two Hot Stuffs and two Bolts , take a look at and .Thanks Stephane.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

1970s British surf mags

Surf Insight is Britain's second earliest surf mag, after Rod Sumpter's British Surfer. It was started by Paul Holmes ( who went on to be editor of Australian mag Tracks and editor of Surfer through the 80s), Fuz Bleakley and Simonne Renvoize. It was in newspaper format and included political and social issues, had a environmental page, cartoons by Fuz and wide ranging surf articles which made it an influential Rolling Stone meets surf-esque mag. It is very rare to see any copies now so thanks to Graham for sending pics of his.If anyone wants to contact Graham about his mags or possible trades email him on . The Surf magazine is from the mid 70s and features Graham Nile from St Austell on the cover.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Tig surfboards egg by Tigger Newling

Tigger circa 1970

Surf Insight with Tigger on the cover 1972

M P in 1969 with egg.

Nice shape by Tigger Newling from the '69/'70 transition period. During this time board lengths were cut dramatically; as in this board volume was kept up with an S or domed deck. The board dimensions are 6ft x 21 1/2 x 2 3/4. When I got this board it was in a bad state, fin chewed up and hanging off and many repairs needed; I also added a leash plug which I now regret as I should have kept it in the original state. It's signed Tigger 3270 which I'm thinking may mean it was made in 1970 as I'm sure he hadn't shaped thousands of boards at this early stage. The board also has down rails which shows the 69/ 70 Australian influence.

The Newlings were a popular and successful surfing family in the Treyarnon and Constantine area through the 70s. Tigger was a lifeguard, shaper and competition surfer who wasn't afraid of tackling local heavy reefs , including Porthleven and the Cribbar. He was influenced by Australian surfing and shaping after competing in the worlds at Bells Beach in 1970, and surfed in a radical but smooth style. He won the British champs in 1973 in 6-8 ft surf at Freshwater west.

He started Tig surfboards at age 17 from a greehouse, and in 1975 was working under Gerry Lopez at Lightening Bolt in Hawaii, before returning to Cornwall to start his Jolly Good label. He moved to Australia in 1980. Tigger said ' During that trip to Australia in 1970, I saw the boards Michael Peterson, Wayne Lynch and Nat Young were riding- those really wide egg shapes with big Greenough style single fins. I liked the design, so I built some of those when I got home, and they worked pretty well for me' ( from The Surfing Tribe p. 86 ).

Tigger Newling and friends in Ireland 1967

Here's some very rare footage of Tigger, David and Rod Sumpter and Johnny McKilroy longboarding at Ballinskelligs bay, Kerry in 1967.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Lord Ted part 2

Thanks to Peter Robinson of the Surfing Museum for the pic of the Surfer cover of 1982 showing Ted Deerurst with quiver and hounds outside his manor house.A classic shot and the boards are possibly some of his own shapes using the bolt logo. The Surfing museum owns the bolt he's riding on the cover of the Atantic Surfer I featured recently.

While on the Surfer theme here's an early copy from Graham's collection which was apparently the first edition available in the UK , vol5 no 5 from 1964. Note the export cover, its also one of the first girl cover shots.

Monday, 19 October 2009

Saved from the rocks

This shot says it all ....pre-leash happy days

French board collectors

Stephane from Biarritz has sent these photos of the first French board collectors meet a couple of weeks ago at Lege Cap-Ferret; looks like a good turn out. Stephane wonders if we have meets in the UK and as far as I know we don't but it sounds like fun and its always good to oggle at other old boards, so watch this space ...... thanks again to Stephane and I'll be putting on more boards from him soon.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Bilbo badges

Here's some bilbo logos on a 1970s badge, a late 60s sticker from the Welsh bilbo shop, and a 1969 sew on patch , plus a random 60s toes on the nose sticker. Thanks to Graham who bought the patch himself in 69 and has a large collection of British surfing memorabilia ;we look forward to seeing some more of his gems.

Friday, 16 October 2009

Recent boards

Here's a couple of boards I just picked up, a nice early 80s quad and a late 80s Kamikaze thruster. The quad is 5'8 x 19 3/4 and is a Stanton shape for Erich K designs ; this name isn't familiar and it turned up no results on google - does anyone know more than google on this one ? The Kamikaze is by mutley and dated 1989 , in good nick with original deck pad and stickers, I like the fins; its 6'6 x 19 1/2.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Ted Deerhurst lightning bolt singlefin

Ted was born Viscount Coventry and affectionately known as Lord Ted .He grew up in Britain and then moved to California, and was the first european to join the IPS world tour. He was a popular 'playboy' character on the tour who made his mark and flew the flag for Britain . In reality he was skint for long periods of time on the tour and often had to sleep in his car. He fearlessly surfed solid waves in Hawaii and his career high came in 1978 (?) when he got through to the semis of the Jose Cuervo classic at 12 ft Sunset beach, knocking out Cheyne Horan and Shaun Tomson's brother.

Ted surfed Parrish Lightning Bolts in Hawaii and when he returned to Britain , probably to earn some cash, he started shaping and was allowed to use the bolt logo. This board is from that era, its 6'8 x 19 x 2 1/2 . He emigrated to Australia in 1979 and started his excalibur label. He died of heart failure in 1997.

Ted was deeply commited to surfing and was full of the British never say die optimism. At one point he decided to take up snowboarding with the famous last words 'at least you can't drown in the mountains' , he spent the next six months in hospital ! He starred on the cover of Surfer mag in 1982 as 'aristocratic lord ted ' with his bolt quiver and hunting hounds outside the family pile ; if anyone has a copy I would love to feature it.

 Here's a piece from Shaun Henderson about his memories of Ted Deerhurst . Thanks for sharing Shaun !
Hello World,

I have been out of the water for awhile rehabbing an injury. Recently I found myself reflecting on how surfing has played such a big part in my life. I started thinking about the time I met Ted Deerhurst. Wow, it's been so long that I have thought about Ted and was pleased to find this homage to him. I am also pleased that everyone seems to have the same common memory of Ted as a fun loving and thoughtful person. Here is my story:

I was in full grom mode, ha! This was back in high school (around '86 or '87, maybe '88). I grew up on the Jersey Shore and worked at a restaurant called Hook, Line & Sinker (no longer exists). I was a buss boy and became friends with the cook, a guy named Ronny. Ronny's roommate was a charismatic and eccentric guy by the name of Ted. It wasn't until later that I got to know the "Lord Ted" story. Ted was also a waiter at the restaurant and apparently (according to Ronny) an exceptionally good surfer. Ronny used to take my brother and I surfing. This was before I had my driver's license, so it was a treat to be given rides to the beach. Ronny even let me drive his jalopy at one point, ha! Here's a little Joisey Shore surfing tidbit: Ronny, my bro and I surfed The Cove on Sandy Hook before they filled it with sand. Epic!!! Anyway, one day Ronny starts to tell me the story of his "famous" roommate. If you've made it this far in your Ted Deerhurst Google search, you probably know "the story": Traded his aristocratic upbringing for a life of surfing, was England's first pro surfer, etc. Ronny showed me a video (VHS!) that Ted had. It was Ted holding the camera and enthusiastically narrating while walking around a party. It was Mark Richard's birthday party. I'm pretty sure I remember seeing Tom Carrol in the video and some other famous surfers. Needless to say, this blew my grom mind! This was my friend's roommate and a waiter at the restaurant I worked at, hanging out with the upper echelon of the surfing world. I've been reading a lot about Ted online lately but nothing that explained how and why he ended up becoming a waiter in New Jersey. Ronny once said that he believed Ted was meant for greatness. He had the personality for it. At the time I didn't think to ask the questions I am now wondering. How did New Jersey fit into Ted's narrative arc?

One day, Ronny and "Lord Teddy" took my brother and me surfing. By this point I kinda knew Ted's story. This day stands out for me as one of my more inspirational surfing moments. Ted was already a legend in my mind and he was taking me surfing! And the waves were as good as Jersey gets (which I can now say as a much older and wiser and well traveled surfer, is still pretty darn good! Patience is what you need as a Jersey Shore surfer, but it does get epic). We surfed First Jetty on Sandy Hook. I forget what month is was but we were all wearing full 5/4 wetsuits, hoodies, gloves and booties; good ol' freezing cold Jersey. The waves were as big and clean as I have ever seen at the time and my brother and I (and Ronny) were all noticeably nervous. I think Ronny decided to sit this one out, if I recall. Ted of course was calm as could be. I paddled out and I remember catching a few shoulder waves but mainly I was making sure I had Ted in my eyes. He paddled waaaay outside and sat there for set after set. I remember thinking that he was too far out until THE set came through. Ted paddled effortlessly into it and dropped in right in front of the rocks. Sitting on the shoulder as I was, I had a perfect view of The Man Himself pulling into a cold, dark, intimidating barrel. What I remember most is that he looked comfortable. Not, "Holy crap, this thing is huge!" But comfortable. Right in front of the rocks on a bomb. He made it out, rode down the line, hit the lip a few times, and kicked off the back of the wave. People in the parking lot were honking their horns. Pure style! Never claimed it. He paddled past me and the first thing he said was, "How are you doing? Are you catching any waves?" Legend :) I was always grateful that I had the opportunity to share that moment with him.

Not long after that, Ted asked me if I wanted to volunteer in a contest he was organizing, The Excalibur Cup. I didn't realize it at the time, but I now know that he mainly held these contests as fund raisers, not for his own financial gain. The contest was held at Seven Presidents Park in Long Branch, New Jersey. Kelly Slater was rumored to be attending (he didn't). The contest day had small to non-existent waves. I remember at one point a cargo ship went by in the distance and Ted wondered out loud how long it would take for the boat wakes to arrive in the lineup. He even asked me to start calling shipping companies to see if I could convince someone to go back and forth in front of the beach. I thought he was joking but in retrospect, I realize he probably wasn't! Trip Freeman won the contest and his girlfriend won the bikini contest. It was cold and we were all wearing jackets and hats and they had a bikini contest, haha! Most memorably, Trip somehow found a kite that was floating in the water, paddled over to it, and managed to get the thing up in the air and started flying it in the middle of his heat. I remember joking with Ted that Trip should win the contest for that alone. Getting a water logged kite to fly requires talent! I also remember that Trip managed to catch air on a wave (actually, I think it was the boat wake!) and amazingly, pulled into a barrel.

Ted also made me a surfboard. I have owned lots of boards. The first board I ever owned was "The Original" Simon Anderson Thruster. If I had known any better, I should've kept that board and the board that Ted made for me. They would probably be collector's items nowadays. The board Ted made for me had his logo the sword painted on the entire bottom, and the Martin Potter-esque tie die bulls-eye painted on the top.

Ted made it clear that he didn't like being called "Lord Ted". I remember getting a kick out of the idea that he gave up his "royalty and riches" to be a surfer, but I don't think he thought of it that way. He was a truly humble person. He had a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and was an early influence on me as a grom. I do remember a certain restlessness to Ted. I always remember what Ronny said about Ted being destined for greatness, and that his job as a waiter in New Jersey was somehow a necessary stepping stone in his life. He was already great in my mind. Ted was "much older" than me and I remember thinking that this guy somehow justified my obsession with surfing. A lot of what I have read about Ted says he never really made it as a professional surfer because he never placed that high at contests. But I would disagree. He truly embodied the spirit of surfing in my mind. And as far as I was concerned, he was the most talented surfer I had ever paddled out with. I guess it's now 20 years since his passing. Funny that I took this long to Google his name but pleased I did. Here's another gem of a Google find if you want to read about his family:

R.I.P., Ted Deerhurst! It was a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

more ebay boards

Heres some more nice boards which went through ebay recently, a 6'8 bilbo , a 6'10 Haven of Bude and a 7'3 Kevin Cross , all singlefins.

Friday, 9 October 2009

The Gul collection

The Gul collection is always a good place to see old boards, its just off the A30 at Bodmin and you can walk in and see them in the huge entrance hall. There's about 35 boards and they're restored and well displayed. Highlights include Creamed Honeys, Ocean magic, Zippy sticks, john Conways and lots of Bilbos including Rod Sumpters union jack model. The Sumpter model was apparently owned by a farmer in Hayle before Gul acquired it !Well worth a visit ; buy British and support companies like Gul.